
Do you or someone you support have little or no speech and would like to explore alternative and/or augmentative ways to communication (AAC)?

Get Started

Get in touch today to see how we can help.

Get Started

Get in touch today to see how we can help.

About Us

Jenelle speech pathologist more2tell

Jenelle Mortell

Owner | BSpPath

My interests:

  • early language/language delay
  • augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
  • working with clients accessing NDIS initiatives
  • developmental disabilities and autism
  • swallowing disorders and mealtime management
With 20 years experience working with people with a disability, I recognise that every person with communication difficulties has more to tell. I have made it my mission to help people of any age find more ways to express themselves (be it through words, pictures or with the assistance of a communication device).
As a qualified speech pathologist in Brisbane, I look forward to working with you soon and can’t wait to meet you.

Education and further training:

  • Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Latrobe University 2003)
  • Certified Practising member of Speech Pathology Australia
  • Hanan, It Takes Two to Talk Program for children with delayed language
  • PROMPTS for restructuring oral muscular phonetic targets
  • Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Displays (PODD)

Our Mission

More2Tell Speech Pathology is a mobile Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) service, servicing North Brisbane and Moreton Bay Region since 2019. We help adults and children with severe speech and language challenges to explore other ways to communicate besides talking

We are passionate about providing services to individuals with complex communication needs (little or no speech) that may be associated with the following diagnoses and/or genetic conditions

Who We Work With

ABI or Stoke
Down Syndrome
Developmental Delays
Cerebral Palsy
Intellectual Impairment
CHARGE Syndrome
Rhett Syndrome

Our Values

Communication for All

We respect and value all methods of communication and strive to create a world where everyone's voice is heard and understood


We firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their disability, possesses untapped potential for growth and learning


We work in partnership with individuals, families, caregivers and other professionals. We seek to understand each individual and their unique needs


We strive to adapt to new and evidenced-based approaches and embrace assistive technologies, empowering our clients with the tools and skills to communicate

Ready to Talk Tech?

If you or someone you know could benefit from alternative and augmentative communication solutions, and our support services, contact More2Tell Speech Pathology today.